Considered distance counseling? Counseling from your computer or phone with local professionals. Contact us from our Home page.
The Board Certified-Tele-Mental Health Provider credential (BC-TMH) identifies those professionals who are uniquely trained in best practices for delivering traditional behavioral healthcare through technological means. BC-TMH credential holders have met nationally established tele-mental health criteria.
Asynchronous therapy is also available. Asynchronous therapy means that you communicate with the therapist anytime day or night through a writing platform. You communicate anytime, and using different online tools communicate – at times that work for you.

Distance Counseling Clients
• Please complete "Patient Intake Packet" on the Home Page & review "Client Rights & HIPPA information."
• Attach insurance information if applicable.
• Attach a copy of your photo I.D.
• List of all medications including daily dosages.
Distance Counseling Websites:
Please click the link below to be directed to your counselors "waiting room" at the time of your appointment.
https://doxy.me/joshpinkerton Josh Pinkerton
https://doxy.me/toriajenks Toria Jenks
https://doxy.me/ericafalls Erica Falls
https://doxy.me/dallen1 Donaiel Allen
https://doxy.me/JPCS Jodi Province
https://doxy.me/lcswtaylorl Taylor Luffman
https://doxy.me/melissajpcs Melissa Casstevens
https://doxy.me/nickye Nicky Englebright
doxy.me/debwages Deb Wages
https://doxy.me/emmaconley Emma Conley
https://doxy.me/counselorisenhoward Ginger Isenhoward
https://doxy.me/lhorton LuAnn Horton
doxy.me/vmdoran Vanessa Doran
https://doxy.me/mselizabethc Elizabeth Coleman
https://doxy.me/valerieharris Valarie Harris
https://doxy.me/vassafalls Vassa Falls
https://doxy.me/kimberlyp Kimberly Pennell
https://doxy.me/zoeecounseling Zoee Byrd
https://doxy.me/morgannerayo Morganne Rayo
https://doxy.me/davidseamon David Seamon
https://doxy.me/shevoncooper Shevon Cooper
https://doxy.me/karinalink Karina Link
https://doxy.me/emmyloumadison Emmylou Madison
https://doxy.me/beulahcoley Beulah Coley
​​ https://doxy.me/sandrahernandez Sandra Hernandez
https://doxy.me/scox10 Shannon Cox
https://doxy.me/whitleyjpcs Jordan Whitley
https://doxy.me/ashleydyer Ashley Dyer
https://doxy.me/blevinsmj Matthew Blevins
https://doxy.me/megjpcs​ Meg Brown
https://doxy.me/virtualcounselingappointment Mackenzie Boyles
Distance Counseling is a service completed online and/or by phone. Some insurance and third party payers may not reimburse for distance counseling services. Please check with your insurance company.
Sessions fees are $185 per 50 minute session.