Service Rates
We are networked with several major insurance carriers including but not limited to Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Medcost, Medicaid, Medicare, Cigna, Aetna, Tricare, Magellan, North Carolina Healthchoice, CBHA, & Optum.
Co-pays are accepted in the form of cash, check, or credit card.
We are also credentialed with many local industry's Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). Please check with your human resource department to determine eligibility.
Private Pay Fees
Initial Intake $185.00
Counseling Sessions $160.00
Letters $45.00
FMLA Paperwork $25.00
$150.OO per hour with a $150.00 deposit due before court date
Other services including report writing, telephone conversations longer than 10 minutes, attendance and meetings with other professionals, court appearances/involvement, etc. can be charged at hourly rate ($150.00 per hour.)
Distance Counseling Rates
Distance Counseling is a service completed online and/or by phone. Insurance and third party payers may not reimburse for distance counseling services. Please check with your insurance company. Session fees are $185.00 per 50 minute session.